When shopping on Africanshoppers.com, we will list our return policy for each item on the receipt and the instruction on how to return the item will be included as Return slip in your order, please ensure you read and follow the instruction to save yourself time and stress. If you return your item to the wrong place, it will obvious delay your refund. Needless to say that you should have at least one of the reasons for return before you can initiate a return on any of your purchased items. If you know that you have a genuine
reason to return your order, after the order is returned by post,
kindly keep us informed via our support email, stating the order
number and reason for the return at
support@africanshoppers.com for us to follow up in
case the seller is an independent merchant, your email will be
replied with 24 hours why your refund will be processed immediately
we or the merchant receives your return order. If after 24 hours we do not reply your
mail kindly visit our contact page to call any of our customer
service phone that is in your locality. Our U.S.A – number is
1-800-399-9681 |